Korean netizens evaluate Huawei’s comeback Huawei is an exception under US sanctions

Korean netizens praise Huawei's exceptional comeback despite US sanctions

【Phoneauto News】Huawei’s return and the launch of the new flagship Mate60 series have attracted attention from netizens both at home and abroad, and Korean netizens have also commented on this.

Some Korean netizens said, “China has achieved self-production by bypassing the semiconductor sanctions imposed by the United States and its allies, which means that the US semiconductor sanction plan has completely failed.” “No company can survive under US sanctions, let alone a company that breaks through the sanctions and achieves technological breakthroughs. Huawei is great.” Some Korean netizens also believe that Chinese semiconductors will soon become a trend.

Korean netizens’ comments on Huawei’s return

Since the launch of Huawei Mate60 Pro, foreign media have been trying every means to obtain the new device for disassembly. A Japanese laboratory, after disassembling it, was surprised by the high degree of localization of the Mate60 Pro, with almost no American components. Bloomberg News and the US technology consulting firm TechInsight cooperated to disassemble a Huawei Mate60 Pro smartphone and found that the advanced chips inside indeed belong to China’s own production. Bloomberg News suspects whether the global blockade implemented by the United States to prevent China from obtaining advanced chip technology is truly effective.

The Mate60 series from Huawei is just the beginning. With the rise of China’s semiconductor manufacturing, the global semiconductor manufacturing landscape is expected to change. Some industry insiders in the chip industry have made judgments that if Huawei’s smartphone sales next year can reach 60 million units, MediaTek and Qualcomm will correspondingly reduce their shipments of 60 million mobile chips, and TSMC’s shipments will also be affected.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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