It really sells without worry! Lamborghini’s sales in the first half of 2023 have once again set a new record

Lamborghini's sales in the first half of 2023 have reached a new record, selling without worry

【Phoneauto News】Recently, Lamborghini released its financial report for the first half of this year. The company once again achieved its highest sales record in the first half of 2023, demonstrating the strong momentum of this Italian supercar brand. According to Lamborghini’s official announcement, the company delivered a total of 5,341 cars from January to June this year, an increase of 4.9% compared to the same period last year. This achievement is mainly attributed to the increasing demand for the naturally aspirated V10 version of the Huracan and the high-performance SUV Urus.

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Looking at the distribution of sales regions, Lamborghini has achieved remarkable performance in various regions around the world. Among them, the EMEA (Europe, Middle East, and Africa) region is Lamborghini’s largest market, delivering 2,285 cars. The Americas region follows closely, delivering 1,857 cars. The Asia-Pacific region also saw 1,199 cars delivered to customers. In terms of countries, the United States is Lamborghini’s largest market, delivering 1,625 cars. Other major markets include the United Kingdom (514 cars), Germany (511 cars), China (excluding Taiwan) (450 cars), Japan (280 cars), and Italy (270 cars).

Lamborghini’s financial situation in the first half of 2023 is also very robust. The company’s revenue increased by 6.7% to 1.42 billion euros (approximately 11.192 billion yuan), and operating income increased by 7.2% to 456 million euros (approximately 3.594 billion yuan). The sales profit margin also increased to 32.1%, demonstrating Lamborghini’s strong profitability.

Lamborghini’s future is also full of challenges and opportunities. The company has currently stopped accepting orders for the Urus and Huracan, as their production plans have been sold out. These two models will be discontinued in the second half of 2024, but the Urus will return in the form of a plug-in hybrid, and the successor of the Huracan has already been exposed, possibly adopting a turbocharged V8 engine.

The latest Revuelto released by Lamborghini has also been warmly welcomed. It is a supercar equipped with a naturally aspirated V12 engine, and the current production capacity is already booked for two years ahead. This means that new orders will not be delivered until the end of 2025. Lamborghini demonstrated its strong competitiveness and innovative capabilities in the first half of 2023 and is actively responding to the transformation and changes in the automotive industry to prepare for the future. Lamborghini President and CEO Stefano Domenicali said, “We are very proud of the results in the first half of 2023, which is the best in our history. We will continue to strive to provide our customers with the highest level of quality and experience.”

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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