Lantu Automotive achieves new milestone in August 4,009 vehicles delivered! FREE orders exceed 10,000

Lantu Automotive achieves milestone with 4,009 vehicles delivered in August! Over 10,000 free orders

【Phoneauto News】On September 1st, Lantu Automotive released its delivery data for August: 4,009 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 65%, reaching a new level.

August sales reached a record high for Lantu, with cumulative sales from January to August doubling compared to the same period last year. This achievement did not come easily and is the result of the hard work and dedication of Lantu users and staff. Lantu Automotive CEO Lu Fang said, “This recognition has greatly encouraged us. After all, the new Lantu FREE was only launched on August 19th and began small-scale deliveries on August 25th. To receive recognition in such a short period of time fully demonstrates that the new Lantu FREE is a product that meets and even exceeds user expectations.”

At the same time, Lu Fang revealed some good news: orders for the new Lantu FREE have exceeded 10,000, and the attention on Lantu Dreamer and Lantu Chasing Light continues to rise. Lantu is making every effort to improve production, delivery, and service quality and speed. He stated that the steady increase in sales, along with Lantu’s continuous provision of better products and services to users, will also help us provide sincere service and experiences to users in the long run. Lantu has always been on a stable path, and in the future, it will become even more stable and faster.

New Lantu FREE

The new Lantu FREE was officially launched recently with a price of 266,900 RMB and deliveries will begin in September. The new car has been comprehensively upgraded in terms of appearance, intelligent driving, power, and endurance. According to information from Lantu’s official website, the new Lantu FREE has been highly sought after since its launch, with current orders exceeding 11,000.

According to the user profile chart released by Lantu, the average age of new Lantu FREE owners is 35, with 51% being existing Lantu owners and 35% being owners of BBA cars. Among the first batch of new car owners, 39% chose the “Dai Green” color, and 25% chose the “Dark Black” color. In terms of interior design, the combination of “Dai Green + Dark Interior” is the most popular, accounting for 18%. Additionally, the combination of “Dark Black + Dark Interior” is also well-received.

The New Lantu FREE has undergone a major upgrade in the intelligent driving dimension, equipped with the Baidu Apollo Highway Driving Pro intelligent driving system, which includes features such as Navigation-assisted Driving (NOA) and Human-Machine Co-driving Map. In terms of driving control, the New Lantu FREE comes standard with a front 160kW and rear 200kW dual-motor intelligent four-wheel drive system, which not only achieves a “4-second level” acceleration, but also further reduces fuel consumption and electricity consumption, with a CLTC comprehensive cruising range of 1201km.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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