Li Nan reviews NIO’s smartphone The cool AI big screen 5G car key is priced at 6000 yuan

Li Nan's review of NIO's smartphone, The cool AI big screen 5G car key, priced at 6000 yuan

【phoneauto News】On the morning of September 21st, at NIO IN 2023 NIO Innovation Technology Day, NIO officially launched the highly anticipated NIO Phone. On the same evening, phoneauto noticed that Li Nan, who had previously served as Vice President of Meizu Technology and President of Meilan brand, posted on social media, stating that NIO’s high debt ratio is a waste of money to enter new markets, and the AI large screen 5G car key for 6000 yuan is cool, demonstrating the owner’s dignity.

NIO Phone by NIO

Regarding why NIO is making phones, “Ge Lan”, an executive from iQOO, gave an answer. He stated in a post: NIO is making phones mainly as an entry point to seize the car-machine interconnection market and better serve NIO car owners, I guess. In response to Ge Lan’s statement, some netizens commented, “Good car machines don’t need phones.” Ge Lan responded, “Not really, car-machine circulation is an important selling point and pain point now.”

In addition, after NIO Innovation Technology Day 2023, Li Bin was interviewed by the media. When asked about when NIO Phone can make a profit, he said that NIO Phone may achieve break-even after the third generation, including car sales and those who do not own a car but buy a phone. This is a basic judgment made by Li Bin and NIO executives.

Li Bin also stated that the team size of NIO Phone does not need to be further expanded, as they have been clear from the beginning about the investment boundary in this area. The sales of NIO Phone are related to the number of NIO cars in use. As the number of cars increases, it is expected that the sales of NIO Phone will also increase. In addition, it is also related to user satisfaction. He said if users other than car owners are willing to buy, it would be like a pie falling from the sky.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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