Today comes into effect! Mainland China and Macau have achieved the mutual recognition and exchange of driver’s licenses without examination

Mainland China and Macau achieve mutual recognition and exchange of driver's licenses without examination today

【PhoneAuto News】According to relevant departments, the Ministry of Public Security and the Macao Special Administrative Region government have signed an agreement on mutual recognition and exchange of motor vehicle driving licenses between the mainland and Macao, realizing the exemption of driving license exams and mutual recognition and exchange of driving licenses between the mainland and Macao. The agreement officially took effect today (May 16, 2023).

According to the agreement, the mainland and Macao recognize each other’s valid driving licenses, and one party allows personnel holding the other party’s driving license to directly drive or exchange driving licenses without an exam. The driving license types that are mutually recognized and exchanged include small cars and small automatic transmission cars. Permanent residents of Macao can directly exchange the corresponding valid driving license of the mainland with the official Macao driving license that meets the requirements, and the original identity certificate, physical condition certificate, and photo, without taking the exam; personnel holding the mainland driving license that meets the requirements can directly drive the prescribed vehicle types in Macao within 14 days of entry without exchanging the Macao driving license; those who need to continue driving after more than 14 days of entry can register with the Macao Public Security Police Traffic Department and can directly drive the prescribed vehicle types in Macao within one year. They can enter Macao for driving multiple times within the validity period of one year without re-registering.

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The mutual recognition and exchange of mainland and Macao driving licenses will directly benefit personnel such as mainland and Macao tourists and relatives, making it more convenient for mainland and Macao residents to drive back and forth, and better promoting communication and development between the mainland and Macao. Recently, the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security has issued a notice requiring public security traffic management departments in various regions to strictly implement the provisions of the agreement, carefully review the materials, optimize certification services, and ensure that mutual recognition and exchange work is carried out in accordance with laws and regulations, and is convenient and efficient.

A spokesperson from the Ministry of Public Security stated that mainland China and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region had previously achieved mutual recognition and exchange of driving licenses. The mutual recognition and exchange of driving licenses between mainland China and Macau will greatly facilitate the travel of residents in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, and is of great significance to promoting the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area. Next, the Ministry of Public Security will actively guide local public security traffic management departments to do a good job in the mutual recognition and exchange of driving licenses between mainland China and Hong Kong, Macau, further facilitating mainland Chinese and Hong Kong and Macau residents’ driving trips.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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