Mercedes-Benz delivered over 200,000 vehicles in China in the third quarter, with a growth rate of over 70% for new energy vehicles

Mercedes-Benz delivered 200,000+ vehicles in China in Q3, with over 70% growth for new energy vehicles

【Phoneauto News】On October 10th, Mercedes-Benz announced its sales data for the third quarter of 2023, delivering over 201,500 new vehicles to Chinese customers. The cumulative deliveries for the first 9 months exceeded 578,700 new vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 3%.

In terms of new energy products, Mercedes-Benz’s pure electric vehicle deliveries in the quarter increased by over 70%, showing outstanding performance. The high-end luxury product lineup also achieved continuous growth, with the Mercedes-Maybach brand and the G-Class SUV growing by 21% and 18% respectively. The cumulative deliveries of the GLS SUV in the first 9 months also achieved double-digit year-on-year growth. In addition, Mercedes-Benz’s core luxury product lineup also performed impressively, with both the locally manufactured C-Class and E-Class families achieving double-digit quarterly growth, and the new generation GLE SUV has seen continuous growth in deliveries since its launch in July.

In response, Duan Jianjun, President and CEO of Beijing Mercedes-Benz Sales Service Co., Ltd., said, “Facing escalating market competition, we work closely with our dealer partners, relying on a product lineup featuring both combustion engines and electrification, and a customer-first service experience, to continuously win the trust of our customers and further strengthen our leading position in the luxury car market.”

He also stated, “In the fourth quarter, we will continue to focus on ‘electrification’ and ‘digitalization’, further promote the construction of the customer ecosystem and enhance the skills of our retail team, continuously setting industry service benchmarks. The highly popular new long-wheelbase E-Class will also be officially launched in the market later this year. It is not only a new generation of luxury, but also a new generation of intelligent luxury, once again setting a new benchmark for executive vehicles.”

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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