Far ahead? Hyundai plans to build a factory in the United States to produce flying electric taxis

Taking Flight Hyundai to Construct Electric Taxi Factory in the United States

【PhoneAuto News】Hyundai Motor Group, as a globally renowned car manufacturer, recently announced its new plan in the United States. The South Korean company plans to build a new factory in the US, with the main aim of producing flying electric taxis for commuters. The implementation of this plan will be overseen by its aerial transportation subsidiary, Supernal.

Supernal CEO Shin Jaiwon stated in an interview that the prototype of this flying electric taxi will be showcased at the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas in January next year. The design goal of this taxi is to be able to fly at a speed of 120 miles per hour (approximately 190 kilometers per hour) and accommodate one pilot and four passengers.

According to Shin Jaiwon, the target for test flights of this flying electric taxi is December 2024, with plans for commercial service four years later. This timeline demonstrates Hyundai Motor Group’s clear planning and expectations for the commercialization process of this new mode of transportation.

Hyundai Motor Group

Media analysis suggests that the development and production of this flying electric taxi signify further progress and innovation for Hyundai Motor Group in the field of electric vehicles. Additionally, it represents an important venture for the company in the aviation industry, with the potential to provide new solutions for future urban transportation.

Of course, this plan also faces certain challenges. Firstly, the safety of flying taxis is a key issue that needs to be addressed. Furthermore, ensuring the economic viability of flying taxis and obtaining the necessary regulatory approvals are also challenges that Hyundai Motor Group needs to confront.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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