Tesla’s Musk highly praises BYD and Chinese car companies, worthy of being pro-China individuals

Musk highly praises Chinese car companies, including BYD, and considers them worthy individuals supporting China

【phoneauto News】Recently, phoneauto noticed that Tesla CEO Musk once again praised Chinese car manufacturers in response to a global best-selling electric vehicle list shared by a user on the X platform (formerly Twitter). Musk said, “Based on our experience, Chinese car manufacturers are the most competitive.”


The list shared by the X platform user shows that in the first eight months of 2023, the Tesla Model Y ranked first among the best-selling electric vehicle models worldwide, followed by BYD’s Song (pure electric + plug-in). In addition, Tesla’s discontinued Model 3 ranked third. It is worth noting that BYD occupies 5 positions in the top 10 models. Among the top 20 models, Chinese brands account for 14. The user pointed out, “There are no traditional car manufacturers in the top ten.”

Tesla’s Musk highly praises BYD and Chinese car manufacturers

According to information obtained by phoneauto, although Chinese electric vehicle companies and Tesla are competitors, Musk has always been very optimistic about these peers. During Tesla’s Q4 and full-year 2022 earnings call, Musk stated that Tesla has great respect for Chinese car manufacturers and considers the Chinese market to be the most competitive. Combined with the hard work and intelligence of Chinese people, some Chinese car companies may become the second to only Tesla. In July of this year, when participating in the “Twitter Spaces” event, Musk also expressed his affinity for China and said, “I think China is underestimated, I think the Chinese people are really great, there is a lot of positive energy there.”

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