Your iPhone signal, how is it? became a hot topic Netizens are going crazy in the comments section

Netizens are going crazy over the iPhone signal, hot topic!

【Phoneauto News】Every year, when Apple releases a new iPhone, there are always different issues, but one thing remains consistent, and that is signal problems. Furthermore, iPhone signal issues are frequently discussed on Weibo’s hot search list. On October 13th, Phoneauto discovered that the topics #How’s your iPhone signal# and #iPhone 16 Pro with Snapdragon X75 modem# were trending. Netizens had plenty to say, and they expressed their dissatisfaction with Apple in the comments section.

Imaginary image of iPhone 16

Some netizens mentioned that their iPhone signal was “usually only two bars”, while others said that when they traveled outside or didn’t have access to office Wi-Fi, their iPhone turned into a “brick”. Additionally, some netizens took the opportunity to make sarcastic remarks, saying, “Oh, it’s still usable. Usually, when I’m on a high-speed train, I see others using Huawei phones while I’m stuck with a brick” and “It’s as stable as ever, consistently bad”.

Netizen comments

Although the iPhone’s signal is not at the point of being “unusable”, it does have some shortcomings compared to other phones with better signal performance. Of course, Apple is not without effort, and this situation should change with next year’s iPhone 16 series.

Related topics

According to Phoneauto, Jeff Pu, a technical analyst at Haitong International Securities, released the latest market research report, stating that the iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max will be equipped with Snapdragon X75 modems, while the two standard models will continue to use the X70 modem. Jeff Pu also believes that Apple hopes to further differentiate between the standard and Pro models of the iPhone, so next year’s iPhone 16 series will adopt different modems.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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