Hilarious! NIO’s biggest flaw in their mobile phone exposed Netizens Violates NIO’s automotive ancestral teachings

Netizens expose NIO's biggest flaw, violating ancestral teachings Hilarious!

【Phoneauto News】On the morning of September 21st, NIO released its first smartphone – NIO Phone. In terms of specifications, NIO Phone from NIO basically meets the standards of mainstream flagship phones today, and the starting price of 6499 yuan is full of NIO flavor. Interestingly, netizens have found the “biggest flaw” in NIO Phone and called it a decision that “violates the ancestral tradition of NIO cars”.

NIO Phone from NIO

According to Phoneauto’s understanding, some media articles have compared the price of NIO Phone to iPhone 15, but the inability to change batteries has become the “biggest flaw” of this phone. Although it is a joke, it is also a fact. Some netizens also expressed that NIO Phone, which cannot change batteries, violates the ancestral tradition of NIO cars, right?

NIO Phone from NIO

In addition, some netizens compared NIO Phone from NIO to a “7,000 yuan car key”. As NIO’s first smartphone, it is not outdated in terms of configuration and design, but it is regrettable that it does not support battery replacement, missing that taste. Some netizens also expressed that if NIO Phone from NIO could change batteries, it would be a killer move, but unfortunately it cannot.

Netizens joking about NIO Phone from NIO not being able to change batteries

Jokes aside, looking at the current trend of smartphone development, integration and portless design are absolute trends. Therefore, it is now difficult to find smartphones that support battery replacement. As for NIO Phone from NIO, the battery life of this phone should not be too much of a concern. It has a built-in 5200mAh large battery, supports up to 66W wired fast charging and 50W wireless flash charging, and also supports wireless reverse charging function.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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