Is the New Lan Tu FREE popular? Orders have exceeded 11,000, with 35% being BBA car owners

New Lan Tu FREE is popular with over 11,000 orders, 35% of which are from BBA car owners

【Phoneauto News】The new LanTu FREE was officially launched recently, with comprehensive upgrades in appearance, intelligent driving, power, and endurance. According to official information from LanTu, the new LanTu FREE has been in high demand since its launch, with over 11,000 orders received so far!

New LanTu FREE

It is worth mentioning that LanTu has also released profiles of the users who placed orders for the new LanTu FREE. For example, the average age of the owners is 35 years old, with 51% being LanTu owners, 35% being BBA (BMW, Benz, Audi) owners, and 14% being owners of other brands. In addition, among the first batch of new owners, 39% chose the Dark Green color, 25% chose the Mysterious Black color, while the Dew White color was also popular, and the fewest people chose the Light Gold color. In terms of interior design, the combination of Dark Green and Dark interior is the most popular, accounting for 18%, and the combination of Mysterious Black and Dark interior is also well-received.

New LanTu FREE orders exceed 11,000

Now let’s talk about the product itself. The appearance of the new LanTu FREE has changed, with features such as a light wave dynamic grille, flying-wing continuous light strip, and anti-gravity wind-defying tail wing. In terms of interior design, it is equipped with an integrated lift-type three-screen display, as well as a series of configurations such as a high-fidelity Hi-Fi audio system by Denon, intelligent adjustable panoramic sunroof, and first-class cabin-level seats.

The new LanTu FREE is equipped with Baidu Apollo Highway Driving Pro intelligent driving system, with features such as Navigation-assisted Driving (NOA) and Human-Machine Co-driving Map. It supports fully autonomous efficient parking, one-key remote parking, memory parking, and remote summoning. The new car comes standard with a front 160kW and rear 200kW dual-motor intelligent four-wheel drive, achieving “4-second level” acceleration performance. The CLTC comprehensive endurance mileage reaches 1201km, and it is also equipped with a front double-wishbone and rear multi-link aluminum alloy chassis, as well as air suspension.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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