Nezha Automobile signs a memorandum of cooperation with Hong Kong Science and Technology Park, entering a new stage of development

Nezha Automobile and Hong Kong Science and Technology Park sign cooperation agreement, entering new development stage

【Phoneauto News】Phoneauto has noticed that a signing ceremony was recently held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Nezha Automobile and Hong Kong Science and Technology Park Corporation have officially signed a memorandum of cooperation. This important collaboration marks a new stage for Nezha Automobile to become a “global technology-oriented company”. According to the memorandum of cooperation, Nezha Automobile plans to establish an international headquarters in the Hong Kong Science Park and gradually invest approximately 3.2 billion RMB over the next five years to build an intelligent research and development center and big data center with an area of over 40,000 square feet. This center is expected to employ nearly 600 research and development talents and promote the continuous development of Nezha Automobile in the fields of intelligence and new energy through the introduction of new technologies and research and development capabilities.

As one of the representatives of Chinese new energy vehicle brands, Nezha Automobile has achieved remarkable results in the market and technology fields in recent years. This cooperation with Hong Kong Science and Technology Park Corporation will further promote Nezha Automobile’s globalization strategy and expand its influence in the international market. Hong Kong Science and Technology Park Corporation, as a promoter of perfecting the science and technology innovation ecosystem, has abundant experience and resources and has supported more than ten unicorn companies. This cooperation will help Nezha Automobile and Hong Kong Science and Technology Park Corporation to deepen their cooperation in technology research and development, market marketing, and talent cultivation. Both parties will jointly promote the influence and competitiveness of China’s automotive industry on the global stage.

It is worth mentioning that Nezha Automobile’s globalization strategy has already achieved a series of significant results. Its overseas footprint has covered the ASEAN, South American, and Middle Eastern markets, with a global user base exceeding 320,000. This cooperation with Hong Kong Science and Technology Park Corporation will further expand Nezha Automobile’s influence in the global market and promote the upgrade and influence of Chinese automotive brands on the global stage.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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