Nezha GT receives OTA upgrade once again! The intelligent driving assistance capability has been comprehensively improved

'Nezha GT receives another OTA upgrade, enhancing intelligent driving assistance capability'

【Phoneauto News】Recently, NIO Auto announced on its official WeChat account that the OTA of the domestically-produced 2-door 4-seat GT electric car, NIO GT, has been upgraded again! This upgrade involves multiple intelligent driving assistance functions.

First of all, the upgraded NETA PILOT 3.0 intelligent driving assistance system will add multiple intelligent cruise assistance functions. These include ICA intelligent cruise assistance, TJA traffic congestion assistance, and HWA intelligent lane change assistance, which can be easily initiated by toggling the turn signal lever. At the same time, the system is also equipped with “electronic eyes”, which will further enhance the lane departure assistance function, making lane changes safer.

Secondly, NIO GT also brings FAPA integrated automatic parking function to NETA PILOT 3.0 users. Whether it is a vertical parking space or a horizontal parking space, as long as the parking space lines are clear, the system can automatically park in and out of the parking space. Moreover, NIO has also upgraded the PILOT cruise assistance, FAPA integrated automatic parking, and TBA trajectory reversing functions for NIO GT users. In addition, the RPA remote control parking and AEB automatic emergency braking functions have also been upgraded, and users can remotely control the vehicle to automatically park out of the parking space through the mobile app. In addition, NIO GT has added a real-time light show function, adding more colors to the user’s driving experience. At the same time, the activation logic of autohold has been optimized, and users only need to press the brake pedal deeply to activate the autohold function in the parking state. Overall, this OTA upgrade of NIO GT has comprehensively improved the intelligent driving assistance functions.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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