Alleged NIO Alpine New Car Test Video Leaked, Netizens Say It’s Like a Ride-hailing Service

Viral Claim of NIO Alpine New Car Test Video Leak Leaves Netizens Comparing It to a Ride-Hailing Experience

【PhoneAuto News】Recently, there has been a continuous stream of news about NIO’s new brand, Alpina (not the final brand name). However, these reports have mostly been rumors. According to PhoneAuto, a video allegedly showing a test drive of a NIO Alpina car has been leaked by a netizen.


From the video, two identical models of the car can be seen driving out of an intersection and making a right turn, giving us a full view of the car’s exterior design. The front of the car features narrow triangular-shaped headlights, which is likely the popular through-design trend, with a bar-shaped design below. From the side, the car has traditional-style side mirrors, hidden door handles, standard multi-spoke wheels, and the size of the panoramic sunroof is yet to be determined. Additionally, one detail worth noting is that while this car adopts a coupe-like design, it also has a slightly raised spoiler above the trunk, giving it a sportier look.

Alleged NIO Alpina car

In the comments section below the video, some netizens expressed doubts, asking, “Are you sure this isn’t a Volkswagen Anhui car?” Others questioned whether this car would lower NIO’s brand value. Regarding this car, some netizens mentioned that it looks a bit like a ride-hailing car and commented, “With such a high waistline, it’s destined not to look good.”

User comments

That being said, the authenticity of this video is still pending verification, and whether the car in the video is indeed the new NIO Alpina model is also unknown. Therefore, let’s just enjoy the show and not take it too seriously. Furthermore, although Alpina is positioned as a more affordable brand under NIO, in terms of design and aesthetics, it shouldn’t disappoint, given NIO’s track record.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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