Expose NIO is about to launch a million yuan intelligent electric sedan. Will this have sales?

Is NIO's Upcoming Launch of a Million Yuan Smart Electric Sedan Bound for Success?

【PhoneAuto News】On December 6th, PhoneAuto noticed that, according to a report by “Yicai”, an insider from Nio revealed to a journalist from “Yicai” that Nio will also release a flagship product at this year’s Nio Day. The car may be named ET9 and is a sedan positioned in the million yuan market. The car is currently not in the PT stage (Prototype-vehicle, usually referring to the first batch of test vehicles from drawings to actual production), but it may be displayed at Nio Day.

Nio is about to launch a million yuan smart electric sedan. Will it sell well?

In addition to the million yuan electric sedan, Nio is currently preparing to release its first model under the Alpine brand. It is reported that the Alpine project of Nio will be launched together with the shared battery swapping network. Currently, the first model of the Alpine project has completed the trial production stage. An insider revealed to Yicai that the car will be officially launched in the first half of 2024. In terms of sales, Alpine will establish its own stores but share the service network with the Nio brand.

On December 5th, Nio released its third-quarter financial report. The information shows that Nio’s revenue was 19.0666 billion yuan, compared to 13 billion yuan in the same period last year, with market expectations at 19.373 billion yuan. In November 2023, Nio delivered 15,959 vehicles, a year-on-year growth of 12.6%. From January to November 2023, Nio delivered a total of 142,026 new cars, a year-on-year growth of 33.1%. As of the end of November 2023, Nio has delivered a total of 431,582 new cars.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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