Nissan CEO Full electrification in Europe by 2030 has no way back

Nissan CEO Full electrification in Europe by 2030 is irreversible

【phoneauto News】On September 26th, phoneauto noticed that foreign media reported that Nissan Motor Co. recently stated that despite the UK’s postponement of the plan to ban the sale of new gasoline and diesel vehicles, Nissan still insists on producing only electric vehicles in Europe by 2030. Makoto Uchida, CEO of Nissan Motor Co., said at an event, “There is no turning back now. We believe this is the right thing to do for our business, our customers, and the planet.”

According to Nissan’s “Ambition 2030” plan, the company plans to launch 19 new all-electric models by 2030 to catch up with leading electric vehicle companies such as Tesla. Nissan Motor Co. stated that one-third of the more than one million electric vehicles sold globally are sold in Europe. Currently, Nissan has confirmed that it will launch two new electric vehicles for the European market, one of which will be produced at the company’s Sunderland plant in northeastern England.

Nissan also stated that by the end of the fiscal year ending on March 31, 2027, 98% of its sales in Europe will be electrified. This means that by then, Nissan’s production models will only include all-electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles. The new goal of achieving full electrification in Europe by 2030 aligns Nissan with its alliance partner Renault, which also plans to achieve comprehensive electrification of its brands by then.

It is worth mentioning that in addition to Nissan and Renault, Ford and Stellantis also plan to achieve comprehensive electrification in Europe by 2030, while Volvo plans to only sell electric vehicles globally by 2030.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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