Nokia achieves the world’s fastest mmWave 5G download speed of 2Gbps

Nokia's mmWave 5G download speed reaches 2Gbps, the fastest in the world

【PhoneAuto News】On June 27th, PhoneAuto learned from foreign media that Nokia achieved the world’s fastest download speed in Finland, reaching a speed of 2Gbps for extended millimeter wave (mmWave) 5G. The test was conducted at the OuluZone test facility in Oulu, Finland.

According to reports, Nokia successfully achieved a sustained average download speed of about 2GB per second by using millimeter wave spectrum and 5G fixed wireless access (FWA). In addition, Nokia used AirScale baseband and AirScale 24GHz (n258 band) millimeter wave radio, as well as FastMile 5G PoC CPE. The process includes eight component carriers (8CC) in the downlink of the converged 800MHz millimeter wave spectrum. The resulting downstream speed is 2.1Gbps, and the upstream speed is 57.2Mbps.

In addition, the report also stated that earlier this year, Nokia and GlobalConnect demonstrated a transmission record of single-wavelength 1.2TB/s in a real-time network. The speed of 1.2TB/s is achieved by using Nokia’s PSE-6s optical system deployed on a wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) network, using 150GHz spectrum on GlobalConnect’s intra-city data center interconnection link. The data center interconnection was also demonstrated at a single wavelength of more than 2000 kilometers at a speed of 800GB/s, paving the way for long-distance single-wavelength 800GE transmission. It is reported that reducing the number of consistent interfaces can save up to 50% of the total network ownership cost and reduce network power consumption by up to 60%.

James Watt, President of Nokia’s Fiber Optic Networks, said: “As the global data volume is expected to double by 2025, people are paying more attention to the cost and power consumption of each bit than ever before, which is why we launched PSE-6s.”

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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