OnePlus 12 continues to warm up, super signal project launches, netizens say killing Apple

OnePlus 12 Keeps Heating Up with Release of Super-Signal Project, Netizens Claim it Outshines Apple

【Mobile China News】On December 4th, Mobile China noticed that OnePlus continues to tease the OnePlus 12. Li Jie, the President of OnePlus China, stated that the “Super Signal Engineering” capability, which OnePlus has spent years developing and invested heavily in, will be fully implemented on the #OnePlus12# for the first time! This technological capability will bring an unprecedented signal experience for everyone.

OnePlus 12 continues to tease with Super Signal Engineering; netizens say it's killing Apple

Li Jie, the President of OnePlus China, further explained that “Super Signal Engineering” is a massive strategic project aimed at creating the strongest mobile signal experience. OnePlus has tackled issues related to phone WiFi, cellular data, near field communication, weak signal, and more. It invests hundreds of millions in research and development funds annually and has already partnered with over 200 operators in 79 countries, establishing eight global cloud computing centers with over 100,000 servers.

OnePlus 12 continues to tease with Super Signal Engineering OnePlus 12 continues to tease with Super Signal Engineering

A single phone that meets the demanding signal RF requirements of all operators worldwide! In addition, OnePlus has established multiple state-of-the-art signal laboratories in the industry. Currently, “Super Signal Engineering” has achieved several application-oriented technologies that surpass the industry. All of these will be showcased on the OnePlus 12.

Many netizens have expressed great appreciation for OnePlus’ significant investment in mobile signals. Signal is one of the most fundamental and important features of a phone, and ensuring strong signals is crucial to enhancing users’ daily experience. The OnePlus 12 will be released on the afternoon of December 5th, and it is expected to have a starting price of 3999 Chinese yuan, which might be the same as OnePlus 11. Interested netizens can follow the official live stream of the launch event.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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