Redmi K60 Supreme Edition revealed, equipped with Dimensity 9200 chip and independent X7 graphics card, to be available this month

Redmi K60 Supreme Edition with Dimensity 9200 chip and X7 graphics card to release this month

【phoneauto News】On August 3rd, at Xiaomi Science and Technology Park, Redmi held a strategic press conference for the post-performance era, and the long-awaited Redmi K60 Ultimate Edition officially debuted. As the flagship performance series in the Redmi brand, the K60 Ultimate Edition has pushed the performance flagship to its peak, thanks to its collaboration with partners MediaTek and Pixelworks.

In the development process of Redmi, there are two obvious stages. The first stage is about hardware configuration, pursuing the maximum hardware specifications. The second stage is about optimization, pursuing stronger performance on the same platform. The “Furious Engine” and “No Compromises” have been well received among performance enthusiasts, and “the most powerful performance at the same price point, the strongest performance release on the same platform” has become a widely recognized consensus among heavy performance users. For Redmi, performance is ingrained in its genes and is the primary element in product iteration.

However, relying solely on hardware configuration and optimization is no longer enough to meet the constantly increasing performance demands of users. It is necessary to shift from “performance release based on chips” to “comprehensive performance planning from a global perspective”. Redmi has the capability and obligation to lead the industry and collaborate with multiple parties to fully leverage platform capabilities and systematically address performance bottlenecks from a global perspective.

Having solved the performance bottleneck issue, Redmi has shifted its focus to the synergy between software and hardware. This time, it has joined forces with MediaTek and Pixelworks, three-party alliance. The Dimensity 9200+ and the discrete graphics chip X7 jointly empower the K60 Ultimate Edition. Through in-depth definition and joint debugging among the three parties, not only the underlying communication of hardware capabilities is achieved, but also deep integration at the software level. Combined with the upgraded Furious Engine 2.0, it breaks through the native limitations of games and creates a completely unrestricted new performance experience.

At the press conference, Chen Guanzhou, Director and General Manager of MediaTek, said that this is a “new high” and a “new starting point” for the cooperation between the two parties. It is the deepest strategic cooperation in history and an important milestone in the performance and technology evolution of both parties. Xiong Ting, President of Pixelworks Semiconductor (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., said that this is the most groundbreaking cooperation between Pixelworks Semiconductor and terminal manufacturers in history, allowing the discrete graphics technology to truly demonstrate its strength.

For Redmi users, the HyperEngine is one of the biggest features that distinguishes it from other brands, and it is also a key technology that guarantees strong performance for Redmi. In the Redmi K60 Extreme Edition, the HyperEngine has also been upgraded. HyperEngine 2.0 has achieved solidification of five module capabilities, including environmental perception, image quality engine, dynamic display, global acceleration, and performance scheduling. Through multidimensional comprehensive environmental information perception, it realizes the optimal image quality and the optimization of refresh rate matching mechanism and resource scheduling mechanism according to the scene and demand. It enhances image quality, ensures global smoothness, and accelerates the entire chain of response. The most core performance scheduling module can detect and predict the load in real time, ensuring stable frame rates in heavy load scenarios. HyperEngine 2.0 has achieved a deep upgrade in scene-based, intelligent, and systematic manner.

With the support of HyperEngine 2.0, the K60 Extreme Edition achieves full-scene acceleration from basic daily use to heavy gaming, providing not only a better experience but also lower power consumption. Compared with competing products, it leads in all aspects of application startup and memory retention; mainstream games can achieve long-term full-frame operation, with the game “Genshin Impact” running at full frame for 3 hours in a heavy load test; the comprehensive performance benchmark score exceeds 1.77 million, ranking first in Android. The K60 Extreme Edition represents the dual pinnacle of performance and experience.

Although large-scale mobile games provide multiple options for image quality and frame rate, there is still a gap in the experience between the game and the hardware. As the pinnacle of performance, the K60 Supreme Edition strives to break through in the scenes that performance users most anticipate, and continuously raise the performance level, leading the industry forward.

The K60 Supreme Edition seamlessly connects the Tianji 9200+ with the discrete graphics chip X7 through the Rampage Engine 2.0. Not only does it implement the jointly developed MAGT Ultra, but it also solidifies Xiaomi’s self-developed graphic algorithms on the X7 chip. With lower latency and lower power consumption, it achieves 144Hz super frame rate + 1.5K super resolution in “Genshin Impact,” bringing a dual breakthrough in game frame rate and image quality. In the super frame rate and super resolution concurrent testing of “Genshin Impact,” the K60 Supreme Edition achieves an average frame rate of up to 143.4fps, reaching the maximum frame rate.

Xiang Xuezong, Senior Vice President of Xiaomi Group and President of the Mobile Phone Department, said that the birth of the K60 Supreme Edition is the result of the determination and courage of the three companies to collaborate and bind software and hardware together. It is not only what users have been looking forward to, but also the direction of the trend.

The K60 Supreme Edition is the performance king co-created by Redmi, MediaTek, and Pixelworks. It is the first product delivered to users based on Redmi’s overall performance planning. Stay tuned, see you in August.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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