Ren Zeping’s evaluation of Huawei phones Beats Apple by a few streets, the best phone I’ve ever used

Ren Zeping says Huawei phones are way better than Apple's, the best phone he's used

【Phoneauto News】On September 5th, Phoneauto noticed that Ren Zeping, a Chinese economist and former Deputy Director of the Macroeconomic Department of the Development Research Center of the State Council, as well as the Chief Economist of Evergrande Group and the Dean of Evergrande Economic Research Institute, also expressed his views on Huawei phones.

Ren Zeping

Ren Zeping stated in his article: I applaud Huawei. The bird that cannot be burned is the phoenix. Huawei phones are the best phones I have ever used, surpassing Apple by miles!

This is not the first time Ren Zeping has written an article praising Huawei. Previously, he also wrote that Huawei, as China’s flagship high-tech company, has experienced the containment and suppression by hegemonic countries, unfair treatment, and global blockades. But they have not been defeated. What is moving is that they have endured tremendous pressure, faced difficulties, and entered the new energy field, carrying the expectations and blessings of many people. Besides victory, we have no other choice. Without scars, how can one be tough? Heroes have always faced hardships.

Currently, the launch of the Huawei Mate60 series has attracted a lot of attention for Huawei. Phoneauto noticed that many netizens have started discussing whether Huawei phones can regain the first place in the Chinese market and how long it will take to do so. According to the latest predictions, the sales of Huawei Mate60 Pro in 2023 may reach 6 million units and may reach 12 million units within 12 months after the launch. It is worth noting that the Huawei Mate60 Pro is a high-end phone priced over 6000 yuan, and this projected sales volume is astonishing.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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