Crazy? iPhone 15 is being marked up by retailers in India, with the highest increase of 2800 yuan

Retailers in India are marking up the price of the iPhone 15, with the highest increase being 2800 yuan

【Phoneauto News】The phenomenon of people lining up outside Apple stores to buy iPhones is not new. According to Indian media reports, this year’s frenzy seems to have reached a new level, with crowds of fans waiting to buy the new iPhone 15 series. Such a demand also means that Apple’s inventory is difficult to keep up with, and Indian consumers have to wait nearly a month to get their hands on an iPhone. It is reported that the Indian consumers’ obsession with the new iPhone has had an obvious negative impact – some retailers are selling the iPhone 15 series at prices higher than the official prices, with the highest markup reaching 2800 yuan.

iPhone 15 series

Media personnel called retailers in places like Delhi and Thana and found that the premium for the iPhone 15 series was as high as 20,000 rupees. Among them, a retailer in Karol Bagh, New Delhi, reportedly increased the price of the 256GB iPhone 15 Pro by 6,000 rupees, which is about 530 yuan.

In addition, this price increase situation is also common in Jaipur, where a retailer there added 8,000 rupees to the 256GB iPhone 15 Pro. However, the most expensive phone on this markup list comes from Pune, with a retailer reportedly adding as much as 32,000 rupees to the 1TB version of the iPhone 15 Pro Max, which is about 2,800 yuan.

According to Indian media, although Indian consumers can choose to go to countries like the UAE to buy iPhone 15 series models at cheaper prices, this is not a feasible option for everyone. It is worth mentioning that some retailers are patiently waiting for inventory replenishment while ensuring that they do not mark up the iPhone 15 series for sale.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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