SAIC Group’s September sales figures have been released, with a monthly sales volume of 482,000 vehicles, setting a new monthly sales record for this year

SAIC Group's September sales reached a record-breaking 482,000 vehicles, setting a new sales record for this year

【PhoneAuto News】Recently, PhoneAuto noticed that SAIC Group released its sales report for September. According to the official data, SAIC Group’s wholesale sales volume reached 482,000 vehicles in September, setting a new monthly sales record for this year. In the first three quarters of this year, SAIC’s wholesale sales volume was 890,000 vehicles, 1.18 million vehicles, and 1.31 million vehicles respectively. It is also understood that in September, SAIC’s new energy vehicle terminal deliveries reached 102,000 vehicles, and overseas wholesale sales volume reached 105,000 vehicles, both achieving the best performance of this year.

Although it achieved the best monthly sales performance of the year, there is still a gap in the operating performance of various subsidiaries under the group. Specifically, the two major joint venture companies have not yet escaped the downward trend. In September, SAIC Volkswagen’s production and sales were 117,800 vehicles and 120,000 vehicles respectively, a year-on-year decrease of 13.47% and 7.83% respectively. SAIC-GM’s production and sales in the same month reached 97,000 vehicles and 100,000 vehicles respectively, a year-on-year decrease of 12.55% and 10.73% respectively. The main reason for the decline is still the impact of last year’s vehicle purchase tax preferential policy during the same period. However, based on the sales data previously announced by the two companies, the sales volume of new energy vehicles has maintained a relatively high growth rate both monthly and year-on-year. For example, SAIC Volkswagen’s ID. series has monthly orders exceeding 20,000 vehicles, and SAIC-GM’s new energy vehicle sales volume exceeded 10,000 vehicles for the first time in September.

SAIC Group releases sales report for September

Similarly, SAIC-GM Wuling and SAIC Maxus also experienced declines in September. SAIC-GM Wuling’s production and sales in September were 111,800 vehicles and 135,000 vehicles respectively, a year-on-year decrease of 38.54% and 17.78% respectively; SAIC Maxus’ production and sales in the same month were 19,800 vehicles and 19,100 vehicles respectively, a year-on-year decrease of 10.76% and 11.65% respectively.

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