Foreign media reviews 5 Chinese car brands with overseas potential, SAIC wins big

SAIC wins big as foreign media reviews 5 Chinese car brands with overseas potential

【PhoneAuto News】As possibly the most fiercely competitive region in the world, domestic car companies in the Chinese automotive market have been “fighting” over prices in the past two years. In order to enhance their influence and pursue higher profits, many brands have chosen to expand overseas and actively enter foreign markets. Recently, foreign media have taken stock of many Chinese car brands and listed the top 5 most potential car brands overseas.

MG (Morris Garages) is already the most influential car brand globally, but it is not officially a Chinese brand. MG is a brand originating from the UK and has a history of nearly 100 years in the automotive industry. However, it has been acquired by China since 2006, and SAIC Motor is the current owner responsible for its rapid expansion. In fact, MG’s sales have jumped from 3,500 units in 2013 to about 450,000 units last year.


In 2022, it is the most popular “domestic” brand outside of China. It produces attractive and highly competitive electric vehicles for developed countries and emerging economies. In the first half of 2023, MG was the fourth best-selling electric vehicle brand in Europe.

As the undisputed king of domestic new energy vehicles, its sales in China are very impressive. However, BYD’s scale in Europe is still relatively small, but it has also achieved development in other regions. It is one of the fastest-growing brands in the world, thanks to its wide range of plug-in hybrid and pure electric vehicles.

Its positioning is between the mainstream and high-end market segments, so it can enter regions such as Latin America, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. In these areas, not everyone can afford high-end electric vehicles. Since January 2022, BYD has launched six production models for the global market.

Geely may be the Chinese brand that most resembles Western car companies. Thanks to the relationship between Geely and Volvo, Geely is able to obtain platforms and technologies that comply with European and North American standards.

Geely’s mainstream car models and Geely’s premium car models, Lynk & Co, benefit from a variety of sedans and SUVs. These models have achieved good sales in countries such as Russia and have designed and launched excellent products in many other markets.

If it weren’t for Tesla and those German luxury brands, NIO could easily become one of the major car manufacturers today. However, it will continue to compete with these competitors and has already positioned itself as the “Chinese Tesla”.

Its potential lies in technology (battery performance), software functions, and battery swapping. However, as a high-end brand, it still lacks global influence and will still need time to dominate the European luxury electric car market.

SAIC-GM-Wuling is positioned as a competitive low-cost Chinese car brand. It enhances brand appeal through a low-price strategy, making both purchasing and maintenance costs more affordable.

Wuling’s approach to global markets is simple. It can use its partner’s global brand to reprice its products, allowing Chevrolet to easily and quickly gain market share in regions such as Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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