Automotive market sales in September and October are expected to exceed expectations, with sales skyrocketing for multiple car companies

Sales in the automotive market are expected to exceed expectations in September and October, with multiple car companies experiencing a significant increase in sales

【Phoneauto News】Recently, Phoneauto noticed that the Chinese automotive market has experienced a wave of high sales. Several domestic car manufacturers have successively announced their sales (or deliveries) results for September, with sales of new energy vehicles reaching a historic high.

According to the data, BYD’s sales in September were far ahead, with sales of new energy vehicles surpassing 280,000 units, indicating that the company’s leadership in the new energy vehicle market remains strong. BYD achieved rapid sales growth through continuous introduction of innovative products and services, as well as active marketing strategies.

At the same time, the sales of Tesla’s new energy vehicles also surpassed 10,000 units for the first time this year, with a month-on-month growth of 64.12%. This further proves that Tesla’s strength and influence in the new energy vehicle market are gradually increasing. Through deep cooperation with Huawei, Tesla continuously improves the quality and technological content of its products, winning the trust and favor of consumers.

In addition, the sales of six new energy vehicle startups also exceeded 12,000 units. The rise of these new energy vehicle startups demonstrates the vitality and innovation of the Chinese automotive market. Among them, NIO and GAC Aion lead the two major camps of “next-generation” traditional car manufacturers and narrow new energy vehicle startups, with deliveries of 36,060 and 51,596 units respectively.

Industry insiders believe that various promotions by car manufacturers, continuous launches of new models, and local car purchase subsidies have all contributed to the increasing popularity of the “Golden September and Silver October” car market. The arrival of this traditional peak sales season has brought more vitality and expectations to the automotive market. With continued launches of new models and the promotion of local car purchase subsidies and other policies, it is expected that the “Golden September and Silver October” market will be even more booming.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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