Samsung The development of the second generation 3-nanometer and 2-nanometer GAA technology is progressing on track

Samsung is making progress on the development of 2nd generation 3nm and 2nm GAA technology

【Phoneauto News】Recently, global electronics giant Samsung Electronics released its latest financial report, showing significant achievements in its memory business and contract manufacturing business. The report indicates that the performance of the memory business has improved compared to the previous quarter, and the contract manufacturing business has successfully mass-produced the third product using GAA technology. At the same time, the development of the second-generation 3-nanometer GAA technology and 2-nanometer GAA technology is also on track and progressing smoothly.

According to reports, Samsung Electronics’ memory business benefited from strong demand for expected AI applications in the latest quarter, resulting in DRAM shipments exceeding guidance. In response to the continuous growth of market demand, the business is focusing on developing high-bandwidth memory (HBM) and DDR5 products. In addition, the stability of the contract manufacturing business has also contributed significantly to Samsung Electronics’ performance. The business is successfully mass-producing the third product using GAA technology, marking the continuous improvement of Samsung Electronics’ technical strength and market competitiveness in the contract manufacturing field.

It is understood that Samsung Electronics’ technical strength and market competitiveness in the memory and contract manufacturing fields have been continuously improving. The outstanding performance in this financial report not only demonstrates Samsung Electronics’ leading position in the electronics industry but also showcases its flexibility and innovation capabilities in responding to market changes and challenges.

Regarding Samsung Electronics’ future development, industry experts believe that the company will continue to strengthen its technological research and development and innovation to further enhance its competitiveness. At the same time, with the continuous expansion of the global electronics market and the rapid development of new technology applications, Samsung Electronics is expected to achieve even more brilliant results in future market competition.

In summary, Samsung Electronics’ memory business and contract manufacturing business have achieved significant results in the latest quarter. This not only demonstrates the company’s technical strength and market competitiveness in the electronics industry but also lays a solid foundation for future development. In the future, we look forward to seeing Samsung Electronics make greater breakthroughs in innovation and research and development, contributing more to the development of the global electronics industry.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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