Scammers target Huawei’s free screen replacement service! 4 people sentenced for fraud

Huawei's Free Screen Replacement Service Targeted by Scammers; 4 Sentenced for Fraud

【Mobile China News】Recently, Mobile China noticed a mysterious cellphone repair scam that was exposed in a cellphone repair shop in Jiangsu. The shop owner, Mr. Wang, reported to the police that someone had swapped the screen of his phone. After investigation by the police, a new type of scam involving the free screen replacement policy has come to light.

Scammers target Huawei's free screen replacement service! 4 people sentenced for fraud

According to Mr. Wang, a woman came to the shop claiming that she needed to have her damaged Huawei phone screen replaced for free. Mr. Wang kindly completed the repair for her. However, just two hours later, the woman returned and requested another screen replacement. Mr. Wang discovered that the new screen he had previously replaced had been swapped.

Mr. Wang immediately reported to the police, and after a thorough investigation, a case of cellphone repair scam involving multiple individuals and incidents gradually surfaced. It turned out that after learning about Huawei’s free screen replacement policy, Chen took advantage of the opportunity. He would buy faulty screen phones at a low price and then take them to cellphone shops to have the screens replaced with new ones. During the screen replacement process, Chen would secretly swap the faulty screens back, and then demand another screen replacement from the shop.

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After Chen succeeded in his first crime, he even dragged his girlfriend and three others into it. They traveled around and committed fraud, carrying out scams in various places. As of the time of the case, Chen and the other 4 individuals had scammed multiple Huawei cellphone shops, accumulating more than 20,000 yuan in profit. Recently, the local court made a judgment on this fraud case. Chen and the other 4 individuals were sentenced to 3 to 6 months in prison for fraud, with suspended sentences, and were also fined accordingly.

As ordinary consumers and business owners, we need to increase our vigilance against various types of scams. Especially when enjoying benefits such as free screen replacement policies, we should choose legitimate channels and reputable repair service providers. When encountering suspicious situations, we should remain calm and actively seek help. In addition, we need to raise our legal awareness and be brave enough to protect our rights and report illegal activities.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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