The Deep Blue SL03/S7 will upgrade to Deepal OS 2.0 – ‘Traffic Light Countdown’ is here!

The Deep Blue SL03/S7 gets a major upgrade with Deepal OS 2.0 - Introducing the revolutionary 'Traffic Light Countdown' feature!

【PhoneAuto News】Recently, PhoneAuto learned from Deep Blue Automotive that their SL03 and S7 models are about to undergo a new round of OTA upgrades. The version of this upgrade is Deepal OS 2.0, mainly optimizing functions such as navigation, Deepal GPT, in-car system UI design/applications, and mobile apps.

Deep Blue SL03

Specifically, this OTA in-car system upgrade will bring the following major changes: Gaode Maps will be upgraded to a new version, with added features such as countdown for red lights; Deepal GPT will be introduced, allowing for AI casual conversation with the system; UI will undergo a completely new design, with optimized dynamic effects for the air conditioning function interface and added wallpaper mode for the in-car theme UI; new applications such as iQiyi and Lizhi Podcast will be included; and there are also some new features, such as the steering wheel’s custom buttons adding an option for “mirror folding/unfolding” and a task manager added to the left side of the Dock bar.

Deep Blue SL03 was first launched in July 2022, offering both extended range and pure electric drive systems. Among them, the pure electric version has a maximum range of 705 kilometers under the CLTC conditions, with maximum power outputs of 190 kW and 160 kW for the electric motors, respectively; Deep Blue Automotive’s second model, Deep Blue S7, was launched at the end of June this year, with a starting price of 149,900 yuan, and also comes with both pure electric and extended range power systems. The pure electric version of Deep Blue S7 has a maximum range of 620 kilometers, while the extended range version is equipped with a 1.5-liter engine and a drive motor, with an official fuel consumption of 4.95 liters per 100 kilometers (CLTC).

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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