Controversially, steady development – MiaoYa App officially launched on the Apple App Store

Steady development - MiaoYa App launched on the Apple App Store

【phoneauto News】Recently, phoneauto noticed that the popular AIGC application “Miaoya Camera” has officially launched on the Apple App Store. It is reported that previously Miaoya Camera was only available as a WeChat mini-program application. Now that the App version is online, the account will be interoperable with the mini-program account. The App currently provides 11 AI-generated image styles and also allows for video creation.

According to phoneauto, the principle of Miaoya Camera is based on AIGC technology. It captures key information points including facial features from user-uploaded photos and blends them with the style templates of the mini-program to generate “digital avatars” in different styles. However, Miaoya Camera has not yet introduced applications in virtual spaces, so the generated “digital avatars” are only in the form of images.

With the popularity of Miaoya Camera, some netizens have discovered issues and vulnerabilities in the product, and the AI technology behind it has raised concerns among some users about privacy breaches. Some netizens questioned the user agreement of Miaoya Camera.

“You hereby grant us a permanent, irrevocable, transferrable, sublicensable, free, and non-exclusive license worldwide (including virtual spaces such as the metaverse) to use your content in any form, media, or technology (whether now known or developed in the future).”

In response, Miaoya Camera stated on July 20th that the original agreement contained errors and promptly deleted the relevant clauses. Despite Miaoya Camera’s quick apology, some users still question the security of their data.

In addition, many users who have had a bad experience hope to get a refund after using it, but the refund-related prompt is just a small line of text at the bottom of the payment page: “No refunds once the purchase is successful.”

This situation has also caught the attention of the Shanghai Consumer Protection Commission. The Shanghai Consumer Protection Commission recently stated that the non-refundable policy of the Miao Ya camera may infringe on consumers’ rights to fair trade. The contact number left by the associated company, “Wei Xu Network Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.,” either goes unanswered or is out of service.

On the same day, the official Weibo account of the Miao Ya camera responded by stating that since downloading photos involves virtual currency recharge, virtual currency and cash currently only flow in one direction. The recharge agreement has been clearly stipulated, so refunds are currently not supported. “If the generation of digital avatars fails due to technical problems, a refund can be obtained, and a new one can be generated for free.”

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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