Strong Partnership! FAW Jiefang Plans to Jointly Build a Large-scale Model for the Commercial Vehicle Industry with Huawei

Robust Collaboration! FAW Jiefang and Huawei Team Up to Establish Groundbreaking Model for the Commercial Vehicle Industry

[PhoneAuto News] PhoneAuto has noticed that, according to relevant media sources, FAW Liberation expressed during its acceptance of institutional research that their next step is to join hands with Huawei to build a large-scale model for the commercial vehicle industry. While empowering internal applications at Liberation, they will also gradually carry out output of intelligent solutions, empowering upstream and downstream enterprises of the industrial chain as well as industry partners. In the future, they will fully leverage the technological advantages of both parties to engage in deep-level and multi-dimensional cooperation in fields such as intelligent driving, jointly creating benchmark intelligent products.

Strong Alliance! FAW Liberation Plans to Collaborate with Huawei to Build a Large-scale Model for the Commercial Vehicle Industry

As a wholly-owned subsidiary of China FAW Group Corporation, FAW Liberation has always taken innovation and technological leadership as its driving force, actively promoting the application of future trends such as intelligence and electrification in the commercial vehicle field. This cooperation with Huawei will be a completely new demonstration of FAW Liberation’s technological strength.

Huawei, as a leading global technology company, possesses strong technological capabilities and rich industry experience. In the field of intelligent driving, Huawei has a complete research and development system and abundant technical accumulation. This cooperation with FAW Liberation will be a strong alliance, fully leveraging each other’s technological advantages for deep-level and multi-dimensional cooperation in fields such as intelligent driving.

It is worth mentioning that Huawei’s development in the automotive field is quite impressive at present. In September of this year, the new Wanjie M7 model was released, directly igniting the car market. According to Huawei’s executive director, Yu Chengdong, as of 10 a.m. on October 7th, the cumulative pre-orders for the new Wanjie M7 have reached 55,506 units, with an additional 4,197 units. Among them, the five-seater model accounts for 81%, with a cumulative pre-order of 45,057 units and an additional 3,282 units; the six-seater model accounts for 19%, with a cumulative pre-order of 1,049 units and an additional 915 units. By October 15th, the cumulative pre-orders for the new Wanjie M7 had already surpassed 60,000 units.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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