Tesla Berlin factory has connected to the train! Surprisingly, it uses extended-range power drive

Tesla Berlin factory connected to train using extended-range power drive!

【PhoneAuto News】Recently, Tesla Europe announced that a new member called the “Gigatrain” has been added to the Berlin Gigafactory. This train service will provide free commuting services for employees and office workers.

Tesla Europe released a video on the X about the launch of the new train commuting service. The electric car manufacturer pointed out that this commuter train can transport 400 people at a time. To celebrate the official launch of the line, Tesla seems to have arranged some live DJ music at the train station and inside the train at the Berlin Gigafactory. According to previous reports, Tesla’s commuter train runs 60 times a day from Monday to Friday, with a frequency of every 40 minutes. Each transfer can transport more than 1,500 employees to the factory, reducing the pressure on local road traffic. Tesla stated that both its employees and citizens can ride the train for free.

It is understood that this train uses extended-range technology, relying on a diesel engine to drive a generator for power generation, and is driven by an electric motor. As many commentators have pointed out, this is quite ironic for a factory that produces electric cars. In defense of Tesla, Tesla does not own this train, it is operated by NEB (Die Niederbarnimer Eisenbahn). However, Tesla does own this railway, as it acquired it from DRE in January 2022.

Tesla’s Berlin Gigafactory initially planned to have a maximum annual production capacity of 500,000 vehicles, close to 10,000 vehicles per week. Now, with the continuous acceleration of production capacity, Tesla is starting to seek expansion of the Berlin Gigafactory. With the future expansion of the factory, more and more workers will come to this place. Compared to previous shuttle buses, commuting by train can not only improve efficiency but also effectively alleviate local traffic congestion.

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