Tesla China President reveals Localization rate of supply chain in Shanghai factory exceeds 90%

Tesla China President reveals over 90% localization rate in Shanghai factory supply chain

【Phoneauto News】Recently, Phoneauto noticed that according to the news from Xinhua News Agency, Wang Hao, the President of Tesla China, said in an interview with Xinhua News Agency reporters at the Beijing National Convention Center, “The localization rate of our supply chain in our Shanghai factory exceeds 95%. We have signed contracts with approximately 360 local tier-one suppliers, and we have brought about 60 of them to the international market, where they have also gained recognition from other international automakers.”

“Chinese companies in the supply chain are growing together with Tesla because there is a lot of bottom-up research and development in new energy vehicles. From ideas to assembly, Tesla is working together with these companies to promote progress,” Wang Hao said. “These companies will also serve more Chinese new energy vehicle companies, creating a mutually beneficial environment. We look forward to working hand in hand with China’s new energy vehicle industry.”

Currently, Tesla’s localized supply chain in China not only covers the traditional automotive parts industry but also includes various fields such as electronics, machinery, and materials. These companies work together with Tesla to promote the research and development and production of new energy vehicles, providing strong support for Tesla’s business in China. Overall, Tesla’s localization strategy in the Chinese market has achieved significant success. Through cooperation with local Chinese companies, Tesla not only promotes the development of local companies but also provides strong support for its own business in China. Many people look forward to seeing Tesla join hands with China’s new energy vehicle industry to jointly promote the development of the new energy vehicle industry and contribute to environmental protection and sustainable development.

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