Tesla Cybertruck mocked again Body gaps wide enough to fit a finger

Tesla Cybertruck continues to be ridiculed for body gaps easily fitting a single finger

【PhoneAuto News】Recently, according to foreign media reports, Tesla designer Franz von Holzhausen appeared at a car event with a pre-production Cybertruck. Unfortunately, what was meant to be a promotional event turned into a disaster for Tesla, as the build quality issues once again became the focus of criticism.

Tesla Cybertruck

From the official release of the Tesla Cybertruck to the first delivery, the process took about five years. According to Tesla CEO Elon Musk, the first batch of customers should not have to wait long to receive their electric pickups. However, some attendees of the above-mentioned event indicated that the build quality of Tesla’s first production Cybertruck might disappoint these eagerly waiting early buyers.

Tesla Cybertruck Details

American journalist Daniel Golson wrote on X that he attended the Tesla Cybertruck car event and was deeply shocked by the vehicle’s build quality. Even as a pre-production vehicle, the rough craftsmanship was surprising. From the few images he shared on X, it can be seen that there are noticeable gaps in some seams of the showcased Cybertruck.

Tesla Cybertruck Details

Golson mentioned that this Cybertruck was full of manufacturing defects, especially in some seams of the body. Fingers can almost be inserted into the gaps between some body panels, the four fender wheel arches are misaligned, the taillights on the tailgate are not aligned, and there are even obvious overlaps between certain body panels. However, these issues are not as apparent from a distance.

Tesla Cybertruck Details

Previously, Musk also expressed concerns about the build quality of the Cybertruck, but he explicitly stated in an internal memo that all components of the Cybertruck must be assembled with an accuracy of less than 10 micrometers. However, it seems that the vehicles have not yet met this target, at least not on the pre-production vehicles.

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