(Translation of the Chinese text) Note The reported information is subject to verification.

(English Translation of the Chinese Text)Attention The information provided is subject to verification.

【PhoneAuto News】Recently, PhoneAuto noticed that buyers of the Tesla electric pickup truck Cybertruck will be subject to a “no resale” policy for a period of time. This is similar to the terms and conditions encountered by buyers of the company’s other models (such as Model 3 and Model Y) in recent times.

It is reported that if Cybertruck owners wish to sell their vehicles within the first year after delivery, they must first notify Tesla in writing to obtain an exception to this resale prohibition policy, so that they can sell it back to Tesla. If Tesla refuses, the seller may be able to obtain written consent from Tesla to resell the Cybertruck to other third parties. In the worst case scenario, Tesla can refuse to sell the company’s other vehicles to the Cybertruck reseller. If the vehicle owner violates the terms of this agreement, Tesla can seek injunctive relief to prevent the transfer of ownership or require the owner to pay a $50,000 penalty or the value received as a result of the sale or transfer, whichever is higher.

Regarding this new policy, some analysts believe that it may be a measure taken by Tesla to maintain its brand image and market order. Due to the Cybertruck’s unique design and futuristic appearance, Tesla may want to ensure that its unique design elements are not widely resold to third parties, thus maintaining its brand uniqueness and market competitiveness.

Earlier, Martin Viecha, Tesla’s Investor Relations person in charge, stated that the company has completed the lottery for Cybertruck delivery invitation letters, and the delivery invitations for the Cybertruck event will be sent out “soon.” The event is scheduled to take place on November 30th at Tesla’s Texas Superfactory.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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