Tesla Cybertruck spotted on the streets after camouflage, it seems to be equipped with new tires

Tesla Cybertruck spotted on streets without camouflage, with new tires

【Phoneauto News】Recently, a disguised Tesla Cybertruck was spotted in Palo Alto, California, attracting a lot of attention. Although the vehicle was disguised, we can see that it appears to be equipped with new tires.

The video of this Cybertruck was uploaded to Instagram by user zecazan, showing the all-electric pickup truck smoothly driving on city roads. From the video, people can see that the Cybertruck is equipped with noticeable aerodynamic wheels.

When the Cybertruck was released in 2019, the first prototype of the vehicle was equipped with huge off-road tires. Over the years, sightings of prototype vehicles have indicated that Tesla is using different wheel configurations to test the Cybertruck. However, the recently discovered Cybertruck wheels have never been seen before.

The noticeable aerodynamic wheels look quite stylish, although there is a difference of opinion among online electric car enthusiasts as to whether they fit the rugged design style of the Cybertruck. After all, one of the best aspects of the Cybertruck’s original aerodynamic design is its unabashed futuristic appearance.

Although the Cybertruck’s range may be long, the use of aerodynamic wheels could greatly help maximize the range of the all-electric pickup truck. Therefore, if Tesla releases a Cybertruck with the option of aerodynamic wheels, it would not be surprising, whether the vehicle is equipped with off-road tires or street tires.

Despite the delayed delivery of the Cybertruck since its release, it has not dampened people’s interest in it. The number of pre-orders for this vehicle has already exceeded 1.9 million units. Tesla CEO Elon Musk has referred to the demand for the Cybertruck as “huge, even limitless.”

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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