Tesla Cybertruck’s endurance falls behind? Prototype’s endurance may be less than 300 miles.

Is Tesla Cybertruck's Endurance Falling Short? Prototype May Have Less Than 300 Miles of Range

【PhoneAuto News】Recently, the range capability of the new Tesla electric pickup truck, Cybertruck, has sparked widespread public attention and even scrutiny. A leaked video shows that the range of a Cybertruck prototype is only 267 miles (approximately 430 kilometers), which is inconsistent with Tesla’s previous announcement of over 300 miles of range (dual motor version).

Tesla Cybertruck

In this video, the center screen displays that the current trip has 16 miles remaining, and by the time the vehicle reaches its destination, the battery level is expected to decrease from 71% to 65%. This means that for every 1% of battery usage, it can travel about 2.67 miles. If this proportion is multiplied by 100, the total range would be approximately 267 miles. It should be noted that this range is calculated from the navigation system, taking into account various factors such as wind speed, altitude, and traffic conditions. Therefore, the actual range may vary. In addition, the results of the test conducted by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are expected to be longer, but even so, some reservation holders still expressed concerns.

Previously, Tesla revealed that the dual motor version of the Cybertruck would have a range of over 300 miles (approximately 383 kilometers). However, the appearance of this video undoubtedly raises a big question mark on Tesla’s commitment. For users who are expecting long-range electric vehicles, this is probably not a reassuring number.

It is reported that the Cybertruck electric pickup truck delivery event will take place on November 30th, with the first 10 vehicles being delivered. However, due to the range issue, it remains unknown whether some reservation holders will reconsider their purchase decisions.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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