Tesla is facing two lawsuits over the safety of its Autopilot system

Tesla is facing two Autopilot safety lawsuits

【Phoneauto News】According to foreign media reports, Tesla is currently facing two consecutive lawsuits due to its Autopilot system, both of which claim that Autopilot failures have led to driver deaths.

The first trial is scheduled to take place in mid-September in a California court, involving a fatal crash in 2019. The plaintiff claims that the Autopilot system caused the Tesla Model 3 driven by Micah Lee to collide with a palm tree while traveling at 65 mph, resulting in the electric car being engulfed in flames. Lee died in the accident, and two passengers were injured.

According to reports, Tesla denies these allegations and insists that Autopilot is safe when monitored by humans. Tesla’s Autopilot and Full Self-Driving (FSD) software have been certified as Level 2 by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), which means they cannot enable autonomous driving. The Austin-based brand is accelerating the development of the FSD version 12 software, which is said to achieve autonomous driving without human intervention.

Meanwhile, the second trial is set to take place in early October in Florida, involving another serious crash in 2019. In the accident, the Tesla Model 3 driven by Stephen Banner collided with the underside of an 18-wheeler trailer, resulting in his death. Banner’s wife claims that the Autopilot system did not attempt to prevent the tragedy from happening.

Tesla’s Autopilot system is considered a driver-assist feature that requires active monitoring by the driver. However, both of these lawsuits claim that Tesla was aware of the issues with the Autopilot system but failed to address them. Critics also accuse Tesla of false advertising and argue that the names Autopilot and FSD are highly misleading.

Despite legal obstacles, Tesla is still accelerating the development of FSD version 12, which is said to achieve autonomous driving without human intervention. If Tesla can successfully launch this technology and prove its safety, it could help restore public trust in Tesla and promote sales growth. However, if the judgment is unfavorable to Tesla, it could cause serious damage to the company’s financial condition and reputation.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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