NIO’s 2200th battery swapping station is officially online, with over 33 million battery swaps completed by users.

NIO's 2200th battery swapping station goes live, boasting over 33 million completed battery swaps by dedicated users.

【PhoneAuto News】On December 6th, NIO reached a milestone moment as its 2200th battery swapping station officially went online at the Wuwei service area on the G30 Lianhuo Expressway. On this Silk Road stretch from Xi’an to Khorgos, NIO has already set up 12 battery swapping stations and 47 charging stations, providing more convenient charging services for electric vehicle users. Since the beginning of this year, NIO has added 895 new battery swapping stations to its network. Behind this number is NIO’s commitment to promoting the adoption of electric vehicles and accelerating the realization of its Thousand Stations Plan. At this rate, NIO will sprint towards the remaining 105 battery swapping stations of the Thousand Stations Plan within the next 25 days. So far, NIO has provided over 33 million battery swapping services in total, with an average of 60,000 swaps per day. This means that a vehicle leaves the swapping station fully charged every 1.44 seconds on average.

Across the country, NIO has deployed a total of 695 high-speed battery swapping stations, connecting 7 north-south and 4 east-west metropolitan clusters with its high-speed swapping network. The formation of this network signifies that NIO’s layout of swapping stations on highways is becoming more complete, making the driving experience on highways more convenient for users. According to NIO’s plan, by 2025, a comprehensive high-speed battery swapping network will be established, connecting 9 north-south and 9 east-west metropolitan clusters, allowing users to travel on highways without worrying about range anxiety. In addition to providing more convenient charging services, NIO’s battery swapping network layout also offers better battery upgrade support for users. Currently, NIO has provided over 140,000 battery upgrade services, and this number is still growing. Through flexible battery upgrade daily rental services, users can choose to upgrade their batteries according to their needs, pay later after usage, and make the vehicle’s range closely align with the user’s requirements. As of now, NIO has deployed 2200 battery swapping stations nationwide, including 695 high-speed swapping stations, 3485 charging stations, 20,455 charging piles, and more than 960,000 third-party charging piles. This number is still growing, as NIO aims to make charging more convenient than refueling. With NIO’s continuous promotion and popularization of electric vehicles, it is believed that more users will enjoy this convenient charging service in the future.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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