Deep Blue S7 officially announces the pre-sale price, ranging from 169,900 to 2,399,000 yuan Pre-orders are now available

The Deep Blue S7 is available for pre-order with prices ranging from 169,900 to 2,399,000 yuan

【PhoneAuto News】This year is a year of chaotic competition in the automotive market. Both fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles have entered a frenzy of internal competition, with prices plunging all the way down and a variety of new cars flooding the market. On the evening of May 20th, the highly anticipated Deep Blue S7 officially announced its pre-sale price, with a price range of 169,900 – 2.399 million yuan. Pre-orders are now open, so don’t miss out if you’re in the market for a car.

By pre-ordering the Deep Blue S7, you can enjoy the Platinum Card benefits for three years, including one annual vehicle maintenance, two annual paint repairs, two annual road rescues, unlimited insurance claims handling, one annual emergency power supply service, one annual customer power supply service, two one-way door-to-door maintenance pick-ups and deliveries per year, unlimited Mall Plus prices, and unlimited one-click connection to an exclusive butler.

The Deep Blue S7 comes standard with an AR-HUD holographic augmented reality system, which enhances driving safety and pleasure; equipped with a 15.6-inch smart steering sunflower screen, which can turn left and right up to 15 degrees, providing a more comfortable driving experience; the world’s first front dual zero gravity massage seat, equipped with an electric leg rest, is comfortable whether driving or resting while parked; EPA1 all-electric digital platform empowerment, enjoy pure electric, extended range, and hydrogen fuel three power options; equipped with front MacPherson + rear H-arm multi-link independent suspension, providing a stable and smooth driving experience.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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