Huawei Mate60 Pro design revealed again Dynamic Island is gone, replaced by three punch holes!

The design of Huawei Mate60 Pro has been revealed again, and the Dynamic Island has been replaced by three punch holes

【Phoneauto News】In the second half of 2023, Huawei’s Mate60 series should be the most anticipated domestic smartphone. Although Huawei has not yet announced the release date of this series, nor has it disclosed the relevant parameters and specifications of this series. Recently, Phoneauto has noticed that there is a lot of information circulating about the Mate60 series, many of which indicate that the Mate60 series is likely to abandon the notch design used in previous generations and instead use a hole-punch design. Recently, Phoneauto has once again noticed that a third-party rendering of the Mate60 series has been leaked.

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It is worth noting that unlike previous third-party renderings of the Mate60 series, the leaked rendering this time shows that the Mate60 Pro will abandon the hole-punch design near the front camera and instead use a simpler three-hole design. According to the previous configuration of the Mate series, these three front holes do not necessarily mean that the Mate60 Pro will be equipped with a triple front camera, but should include some other sensors. However, it should be understood that this rendering is not an official rendering from Huawei, and there is currently no official rendering of the Mate60 series leaked. Therefore, this image is for reference only.

According to previous reports, the Mate60 series may be released between September 14th and October 14th. According to information revealed by Huawei executive He Gang in a video conference, Huawei will have major announcements after October. It is speculated that this major announcement is likely to be the Mate60 series. Therefore, the Mate60 series is more likely to debut in October.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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