Huawei Global Connectivity Conference will open tomorrow! CFO Meng Wanzhou will deliver the keynote speech

The Huawei Global Connectivity Conference opens tomorrow, with CFO Meng Wanzhou delivering the keynote speech

【phoneauto News】On September 19th, phoneauto noticed that the 8th Huawei Global Connectivity Conference (HUAWEI CONNECT 2023) will open in Shanghai tomorrow (September 20th). The conference, with the theme of “Accelerating Industry Intelligence”, will feature keynote speeches by Huawei Vice Chairman, Acting Chairman, and CFO Meng Wanzhou, as well as Huawei Executive Director, ICT Infrastructure Committee Director, and Enterprise BG President Wang Tao.

The 8th Huawei Global Connectivity Conference is regarded as an opportunity to further understand Huawei’s latest technological achievements and future development directions. The conference will cover various summits and keynote speeches involving 16 major industries including manufacturing, education, healthcare, and finance. From a technical perspective, it will cover 15 areas including Huawei Cloud, data storage, F5G (Fifth Generation Fixed Network), and Ascend AI computing industry.

It is reported that F5G is a fixed communication network technology, with the main business being fixed network fiber broadband access, which is different from 5G. Huawei stated that the widespread application of F5G will drive the evolution and technological innovation of industry networks, accelerating AI empowerment in various industries. As a continuation of KN, Huawei will also unveil its Kunling F5G Small All-Optical Mobile Operation and Maintenance 2.0 solution at the conference.

Regarding data and data storage, Huawei mentioned in the agenda, “No data, no AI”. Huawei will jointly release a series of AI industry scenario solutions based on hyper-converged training/inference machines with partners such as Zidong Taichu and Yushu Technology. Taking Guizhou Cunli Center as an example, it will introduce how the center enables the circulation of data elements and promotes the development of AI large models. Special speeches on “The Era of Large Models, AI Storage Leading the Way” will also be presented.

According to the introduction, new Huawei ICT services and software solutions will be showcased. In addition, Huawei Cloud will demonstrate the three-layer capabilities of Ascend AI cloud services for open source and third-party large models, and invite customers and partners to share advanced digital practices based on Ascend AI cloud services.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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