The Huawei Mate60 series has arrived in large quantities nationwide without the need for price increases!

The Huawei Mate60 series has arrived nationwide in large quantities at the same price!

【Phoneauto News】Since the release of Huawei Mate60 Pro on August 29th, the Mate60 series has become the hottest smartphone product in the Chinese market recently. Huawei’s executive director, Yu Chengdong, said in a recent press conference that the popularity of the Mate60 series may break records. However, this high demand has also led to a shortage of this series of models. In the past half month, every sale of the Huawei Mate60 series has been quickly sold out. However, on September 15th, Phoneauto noticed that this situation is about to change, as the Huawei Mate60 series has been widely stocked nationwide.

According to information released by relevant digital bloggers, the Huawei Mate60 standard version and Huawei Mate60 Pro have been widely stocked nationwide. Even the lowest-level stores have at least 30 phones in stock, starting with the 256GB storage version. The blogger emphasized not to buy at inflated prices. However, the blogger did not mention the Huawei Mate60 Pro+ and Huawei Mate X5 foldable phones. The positioning and prices of these two models are higher, so stocking may still take some time.

According to information obtained by Phoneauto, although the supply of the Huawei Mate60 series is currently very tight, Huawei has already added 20 million units to this series. Therefore, from a long-term perspective, there is no need to worry about not being able to buy this phone. At most, it is just a matter of time.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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