The Mate60 Pro trademark of Huawei has been registered by a company in Foshan, and its status is under application

The Mate60 Pro trademark of Huawei has been registered by a company in Foshan and is currently under application

【Phoneauto News】Recently, Huawei announced that the Mate60 launch event is scheduled for September 25th. Netizens have discovered that Huawei’s current rotating chairman, Meng Wanzhou, returned to China on September 25th, 2021, two years ago. At that time, the phrase “the light boat has passed through countless mountains” went viral. And now, after the release of Huawei Mate60 Pro, many people also quote this phrase. However, recently, Phoneauto noticed that “Mate 60 Pro” has been applied for trademark registration by a hygiene products company in Foshan.

Recently, a hygiene products company in Foshan preemptively applied for the trademark “Mate 60 Pro,” which has attracted widespread attention. According to information from the Tianyancha App, the trademark applied for by this company, “Mate 60 Pro,” belongs to the pharmaceutical category, and the trademark status is “application in progress.” In addition, this company has also applied for the trademark “70 Pro,” but it is still unknown whether it is related to the Huawei Mate60 series.

The Huawei Mate60 series is Huawei’s latest flagship smartphone, attracting a lot of attention. The scheduled launch event on September 25th is the focus of attention. It is worth mentioning that Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. has already applied for registration of several trademarks related to Mate 60, including “HUAWEI MATE 60 RS” and “HUAWEI MATE 60 GTS,” and the trademark status is all registered. This means that Huawei attaches great importance to the protection of the Mate 60 series trademarks and actively applies for related trademarks to protect its brand interests.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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