Samsung S24 series design or change The right-angle square border design gives a more robust feel

The Samsung S24 series design features a right-angle square border design for a more robust feel

【Phoneauto News】According to the usual practice in previous years, Samsung will officially launch the new Samsung S24 series models in early next year. As the release date approaches, there have been frequent leaks about this new phone. Recently, some netizens leaked that the appearance design of the Samsung S24 will be modified. Let’s take a look at whether the new design is to your liking.

Specifically, the appearance design of the Samsung S24 series will be closer to that of the iPhone. It will adopt a right-angled border design, giving it a more sturdy look. In addition, the netizen also mentioned that the appearance design of the Samsung S24 is somewhat similar to that of the Meizu 20 series. It seems that the actual feel of the phone is also worth looking forward to.

The Meizu 20 series adopts a right-angled border.

In terms of hardware, the Samsung S24 series is highly likely to be equipped with the third-generation Snapdragon 8 mobile platform, and the imaging system is also highly likely to continue the ultra-wide-angle, wide-angle, and telephoto triple camera setup. The Samsung S24 Ultra is expected to feature an ultra-wide-angle, wide-angle, telephoto, and super telephoto quad-camera setup, creating a more complete shooting experience.

Previously, there were reports that Qualcomm will launch a brand-new third-generation Snapdragon 8 mobile platform in the autumn of this year. It is believed that Samsung will also be the first to bring us flagship models equipped with the new chip.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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