After driving over 500,000 kilometers, the Tesla Model S battery only experienced a 12% decline

The Tesla Model S battery only declined 12% after driving over 500,000 kilometers

【Phoneauto News】Although the penetration rate of electric vehicles is increasing, many people are still worried that electric vehicles are not as durable as fuel-powered vehicles due to the battery. Some even compare the battery pack of electric vehicles with lithium batteries used in mobile phones and other electronic devices, questioning the lifespan of the power battery. However, a Tesla Model S in a foreign country has proven these people wrong after undergoing a long-distance test.

According to foreign media reports, a Tesla Model S used as a taxi in Canada has achieved an important milestone. The 2016 Model S 90D owned by Current Taxi has reached 500,000 kilometers (310,000 miles) without major repairs. It is worth mentioning that the battery and drive unit are still original, which is an impressive achievement considering the age and mileage of the vehicle. In addition, the rear control arms, wheel bearings, CV axles, and power steering remain unchanged.

Current Taxi revealed that this older Model S only had its brakes, coil suspensions, pillars, AC condenser, and fan replaced, and this was done after driving 420,000 kilometers. However, the driver also replaced some non-consumable parts, including handles (an old issue with the older Model S) and trunk latches.

What is even more impressive is that after driving 500,000 kilometers, the battery of this Tesla Model S only degraded by 12%. It should be noted that, in order to save time, the majority of the vehicle’s charging was done at Tesla’s Supercharger stations as it was being used as a taxi. As an older model, Tesla had promised to provide lifetime free charging service for it, and the owner took full advantage of this. Although many people believe that fast charging will accelerate battery degradation, this phenomenon does not seem to be evident in this vehicle.

Of course, even the best lithium-ion batteries have a limited lifespan, and considering that the price of a new battery pack is more than half the price of a new electric car, replacing them doesn’t make much sense. However, many electric cars can travel hundreds of thousands of miles before the initial signs of battery aging appear. There is even a Model S that is more amazing, with a mileage of over 1.2 million miles and still running after nine years. It has already had its battery replaced three times, but that was because Tesla deemed the battery no longer meeting requirements and offered free replacement.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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