Honor V Purse Foldable Screen’s Three Key Highlights Officially Announced! One Phone, Three Uses

The three key highlights of the Honor V Purse Foldable Screen have been officially announced one phone, three uses

【Phoneauto News】On September 12th, the three main highlights of the Honor V Purse were officially announced: When opened, it features a 2K high-definition eye-protecting large screen; when folded, it resembles a slim and fashionable wallet; and when flipped, it becomes a highly versatile photo camera. It is lightweight and stylish. It is reported that Honor will hold a press conference in Shanghai at 19:30 on September 19th to officially launch the new foldable screen phone, Honor V Purse.

Previously, this concept foldable screen phone has been showcased at IFA23, and surprisingly, the thickness of the phone is less than 9mm, making it even thinner and lighter than traditional flat-screen flagship phones, breaking the boundary between foldable screens and flat-screen phones.

The innovative wallet-style foldable screen completely subverts the conventional perception of foldable screens. Unlike traditional foldable screens, this wallet-style foldable screen is more lightweight, practical, and aesthetically pleasing. Furthermore, this foldable screen phone appears to have been designed and produced using high-quality materials, emphasizing both functionality and aesthetics. It not only meets users’ daily needs but also adds a unique charm to their social activities.

The imaging capabilities of the Honor V Purse can rival many flat-screen phones. When flipped, it becomes a highly versatile photo camera, capable of easily capturing portrait photos comparable to those taken by professional cameras, meeting the self-portrait needs of female users.

In addition, the 2K high-definition eye-protecting large screen used in the Honor V Purse can ensure excellent photo quality. In terms of daily use, this 2K high-definition eye-protecting large screen supports a 2K resolution, meaning that the display effect is extremely delicate, while also providing excellent eye protection to users, ensuring eye health at all times.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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