Union Demands 46% Pay Raise and 32-hour Workweek from the Big Three US Automakers

The union is demanding a 46% pay raise and a 32-hour workweek from the Big Three US automakers

【Phoneauto News】Recently, Phoneauto noticed that according to relevant media reports, negotiations between the three major Detroit automakers and the United Auto Workers (UAW) have reached a deadlock, causing concerns about a strike. UAW President Shawn Fain has put forward a series of demands, including a 46% pay increase, reinstatement of traditional pensions, and implementation of a 32-hour workweek. However, the automakers have stated that meeting these demands would pose problems for the survival of the companies, as labor costs would increase by $80 billion and the total compensation and benefit expenses would exceed $150 per hour, far higher than the current $64.

It is understood that the three major Detroit automakers need to spend over $100 billion in total to transition to electric vehicles, and they claim to be unable to sign generous labor agreements with the UAW. If an agreement is not reached by the final deadline of September 14th, UAW may organize simultaneous strikes by the employees of these three car companies.

According to reports, UAW has issued strike warnings to General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler’s parent company Stellantis. UAW has stated that if the automakers cannot meet the workers’ demands, they will take action to protect their rights. General Motors stated that the company is engaged in “sincere negotiations” with UAW to reach a fair agreement. Ford and Chrysler also stated that they are in negotiations with UAW and hope to reach an agreement.

The actions of the three major Detroit automakers have raised concerns and attention. Some people worry that if these companies cannot meet the workers’ demands, it will trigger a new wave of strikes. Others believe that the automakers’ position is reasonable because meeting UAW’s demands would significantly increase the companies’ costs and potentially threaten their survival.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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