This mobile phone is specially designed for blind and visually impaired individuals and is equipped with wireless charging capability

This phone is designed for blind and visually impaired people, with wireless charging capability

【Phoneauto News】Although functionality and intuitiveness have always been important features of technology, accessibility (usability) seems to be becoming increasingly important in the development of devices, applications, and accessories. Many of the latest digital tools have started integrating accessibility features to meet the needs of disabled users. Recently, a similar Android phone was just released, designed to prioritize the needs of visually impaired users.

RAZ Mobility, a US company, has announced the launch of SmartVision 3, an Android phone designed to meet the needs of blind or visually impaired consumers through a range of assistive and enhancement features.

It includes a physical T9 keyboard for typing. Compared to virtual keyboards, this provides visually impaired users with a consistent tactile experience. The keyboard has physical navigation keys, allowing consumers to find their way in the operating system without using the touch screen.

Another useful assistive feature is a dedicated hardware key to summon Google Assistant. The phone is also equipped with various tools suitable for low vision individuals, including a banknote recognizer, light detector, color detector, navigation application, and screen magnifier.

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In addition to the assistive features, the device also comes with wireless charging capability. This is meaningful as users can charge their phones without having to find a charging port and cable. Apart from wireless charging, the phone also supports micro SD expansion (up to 128GB) and a 3.5mm port, which are two features not commonly found on modern Android phones.

In terms of pricing, the Smart Vision 3 is priced at $539 in the US (approximately 3875 RMB). There is also a version priced at $599 (approximately 4300 RMB), which includes a wireless charging pad, phone case, screen protector, lanyard, pedestrian GPS application, and a book/document reader.

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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