Learn more about Huawei Patents

Huawei officially announces the 5G mobile phone patent licensing fee rate a maximum of $25 per device

【Phoneauto News】On July 13th, at the 2023 Innovation and Intellectual Property Forum, Huawei announced its patent l...

Huawei responds to charging patent fees to small and medium-sized enterprises in Japan, stating that the essence of patents is to encourage innovation

[PhoneAuto News] On June 20th, Huawei responded to the news that they were charging patent technology usage fees to a...

Huawei charges patent fees from 30 Japanese companies Ren Zhengfei once said that he would collect patent fees when he has free time

According to Nikkei News, Huawei is collecting patent usage fees from about 30 small and medium-sized companies in Ja...

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