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Nordic countries boycott Tesla upgrades, Danish workers will join Sweden’s strike action.

[PhoneAuto News] Recently, PhoneAuto noticed that the situation of Nordic workers boycotting Tesla cars has escalated...

Tesla’s OTA Big Update is Coming, Officially Claiming Ten Times the Safety and Intelligent Evolution

[PhoneAuto News] On November 30, PhoneAuto noticed that Tesla officially announced Tesla's OTA major update is here, ...

Tesla secretly reduces prices, offers an 8000 yuan insurance subsidy, and introduces low-interest loan incentives.

[PhoneAuto News] In the past month, as domestic car companies have launched a new round of price wars, Tesla has rais...

Tesla’s cars have raised their prices four times in a month. Blogger Drinking poison to quench thirst.

[PhoneAuto News] On November 21st, PhoneAuto noticed that Tesla officially announced Starting today, the price of the...

Tao Lin Many car owners still choose Tesla after accidents! Are they talking about Lin Zhiling?

[PhoneAuto News] On October 17th, PhoneAuto noticed that Tesla's Vice President of External Affairs, Grace Tao-Tesla,...

Tesla executives boast Model Y will be this year’s sales champion! Ignoring BYD?

[News from Zhichepai] On October 16th, CNMO noticed that Tesla's Vice President of External Affairs, Grace Tao-Lin Te...

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