The UK delays ban on petrol and diesel cars for 5 years! Car manufacturers express concerns

UK postpones ban on petrol and diesel cars for 5 years, causing car manufacturers to express concerns

【Phoneauto News】The UK has decided to postpone the ban on the sale of diesel and petrol cars from the originally planned date of 2030 to 2035. This news has caused concerns among some car manufacturers as they have already made investment plans based on this target.

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced this news on Wednesday, stating that it is to alleviate the economic burden on some households.

Car manufacturers including Kia, Volkswagen, and Ford have all expressed the need to reassess their plans, stating that this change has left them confused. For example, Kia is seeking to launch nine electric vehicle models in the UK, but they say the recent change has left them disappointed.

A Kia spokesperson said that this new policy will affect supply chain negotiations and product planning, and may cause confusion among consumers and the industry. These companies also emphasize the need for clearer policies to increase the stability of the electric vehicle market, otherwise it may have a negative impact on the promotion of electric vehicles.

Some charging station operators also express the need for clearer policies, as this may lead to hesitation among consumers in purchasing electric vehicles. The CEO of a public charging network said that this delay may affect the launch of important infrastructure such as electric vehicle charging stations. “This delay will also jeopardize investment in electric vehicle infrastructure, not to mention the broader market including batteries, solar energy, and green energy initiatives.”

Ford has already committed to investing up to $50 billion in electric vehicles and is also facing pressure from its employees. The United Auto Workers union in the US is on strike protesting this decision. “Our business needs three things from the UK government: ambition, commitment, and consistency,” said Lisa Brankin, Ford UK’s chairperson. “Relaxing the restrictions for 2030 will undermine these three aspects.”

We will continue to update Phone&Auto; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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